See impi
Usage examples of "impies".
We Impies have our agents and informers, after all, not to mention assorted spy devices.
Should we let Impies crush us back into subjects, when we may be right at next stage of evolution?
And since, too many of us are dead in war, while Impies tell us to change ways of our forefathers.
It'll help his case, get him merely deported, if Impies happen to catch him … Yes, probably he is spyin', no more.
It'll help his case, get him merely deported, if Impies happen to catch him.
He doubted that any Impies more than a few meters away would have heard any of the encounter except for the thud of the sling stone.
Either the Impies or the shambletowners would have been under full stun for at least another hour.
He suspected the others would as well, if he could keep them from destroying each other and the Impies who would have to guard them at first.
Faith had quicker reflexes than all of the other Impies, and a better sense of judgment.
But then, it had been a long time since anyone challenged the Impies, and perhaps they were too slow on scrambles and codes to react.
It would be just like the Impies to have a few jokers planted around the system.
Maybe I figured you’d be less likely to call the Impies on me, if you weren’t exactly being legal yourselves.
We’ve already shot down fourteen, just like those Impies who were about to arrest you a while ago.
I sent men to inquire elsewhere and--Well, the upshot is, the Impies know revolt is brewing on Diomedes and think Dennitzans are the yeast.