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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Impervious \Im*per"vi*ous\, a. [L. impervius; pref. im- not + per through + via way. See Voyage.] Not pervious; not admitting of entrance or passage through; as, a substance impervious to water or air.

This gulf impassable, impervious.

The minds of these zealots were absolutely impervious.

Syn: Impassable; pathless; impenetrable; imperviable; impermeable. -- Im*per"vi*ous*ly, adv. -- Im*per"vi*ous*ness, n.


n. the state of being impervious


n. resistance to penetration by a liquid [syn: impenetrability] [ant: penetrability, penetrability]

Usage examples of "imperviousness".

If this opinion as to the cause of this greater imperviousness is correct, it will be readily seen how water, descending to the drains, by carrying these soluble and finer parts downward and distributing them more equally through the whole, should render the soil more porous.

Then, rounding the last turn before home, he was stopped by the startling chaos before him that blocked the road and transformed his dull backwater neighborhood into the scene of a natural disaster: there were trucks and cars and monster RVs and a couple of open semitrailers and a ragtag army of intent good-looking people of all ages in baggy shorts and baseball caps, many clutching hand walkie-talkies as if the hard gray rectangles were bricks of precious metal, all moving earnestly among the tables loaded with good-looking food, the folding chairs, the cables, the light stands, with a self-important arrogance, an air of imperviousness, of brute inevitability, because, goddamn it, they were members of a goddamn movie crew.

The boyfriend was a lifeguard who possessed the essential imperviousness to boredom that all lifeguards must have.

But DalziePs huge frame was lead lined, and this imperviousness, plus his prodigious feats of consumerism, had brought these devout free-marketeers to a wondering respect.