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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Imperiously \Im*pe"ri*ous*ly\, adv. In an imperious manner.


adv. In an imperious manner.


adv. in an imperious manner; "imperiously he cut her short"

Usage examples of "imperiously".

The lap dog somehow managed to distract my attention and twice I even reached out to touch it, but Lambert imperiously waved his hand, whereupon both Alphonsine and the lap dog vanished behind the screen.

Spanish moss from the pillared veranda of an antebellum mansion by an imposing liveried black, the sun gleaming on the strong lineaments of his brow arching disdainfully as a decrepit horse and buggy bearing an aging woman and a handsome intense young man standing to snap his whip imperiously came close for an exchange of unheard words to be pointed scornfully on their way, glimpsed from behind a curtain by a ravishingly beautiful young woman in negligee in their retreat back down the drive.

Carole could step around the flowers, Effluvia imperiously held her hand aloft, waved them aside, raised her tail, and proceeded to make it most expedient for them to circumvent the patch by a fields length.

The Istrian captain came at her furiously with his hand extended, palm up, fingers flicking imperiously.

I could raise my rifle, Monro came striding through the snow, one arm upraised imperiously.

Zulkeh and Shelyid arrived at the palace door, upon which the wizard rapped imperiously with his staff.

He pointed imperiously to the chair that was used for telekinetic sessions.

Except for the occasional antique gasoline-powered machines that rolled imperiously along the nearly deserted freeways, the principal method of transportation was the coal-fueled steam-powered bus.

Either way, Killashandra's doubts of his reliability as a partner faded as he ordered the port officials about imperiously, badgering the routing agent to be certain that the man hadn't over looked a more direct flight or a more advantageous connection.

Barnstable now beckoned imperiously to Hrrestan, Sumitral and Ken Reeve to move to one side, away from Kaldon's group.

Then, her expression registering fury, she slewed partway around and imperiously beckoned to someone standing at the back, below the stage.

And striding imperiously amid all these disposables were lordly grays, ivories, and ebonies, carrying the most precious cargo of all -- memories that real human beings may actually want to inload at day's end.

As soon as she arrived at the school-gates, a car horn began to sound imperiously.

They soon finished with the clothing on the couches and the luggage on the floor, and they were ransacking a cedar closet when the door to the inner room opened again and a man who was very distinguished-looking from the neck up padded into view imperiously on bare feet.

Fatigue and the tremendous strain disoriented him and at first he couldn't identify the figure standing imperiously in front of him.