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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Imperil \Im*per"il\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Imperiledor Imperilled; p. pr. & vb. n. Imperiling or Imperilling.] To bring into peril; to endanger.


vb. (en-past of: imperil); (alternative spelling of imperiled lang=en nocap=1)

Usage examples of "imperilled".

It was only Verginia whose chastity was imperilled, only Appius whose licentiousness was dangerous, in a time of peace, but if the fortune of war should turn against them, every one's children would be in danger from all those thousands of enemies.

But, so prodigious was the rushing speed of the foiled and now doubly exasperated moose, that the imperilled huntsman had barely time to reach the sheltering tree and dodge behind it, before the hotly pursuing foe was at his heels, rasping and tearing with his spiked antlers the rough bark of the tree, in his attempts to follow round it near and fast enough to overtake and strike down his intended victim.

The imperilled maiden uttered a cry of joy at the appearance of our voyagers, and held up the handle of a broken oar, to indicate to them at once the cause of her fearful dilemma and need of assistance.

If she persisted, her meddling might earn the imperilled soldiers a quicker end on the swords of Maelgrim's apparitions.

For this imperilled outpost of Christendom, divine policy may conceivably have been further modified.

That was less because we had been imperilled than because we had evidently encountered a thing from Hell.