The Collaborative International Dictionary
Imperil \Im*per"il\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Imperiledor Imperilled; p. pr. & vb. n. Imperiling or Imperilling.] To bring into peril; to endanger.
(qualifier: biological conservation) at risk of becoming extinct v
(en-past of: imperil)
Usage examples of "imperiled".
It is the first precious stone that will be destroyed if the continuance of Castalia is imperiled, not only because it is the frailest of our possessions, but also because to laymen it is undoubtedly the most dispensable aspect of Castalia.
Therefore, the more tempestuous the music, the more doleful are the people, the more imperiled the country, the more the sovereign declines.
These Games were little dramas, in structure almost pure monologues, reflecting the imperiled but brilliant life of the author's mind like a perfect self-portrait.
But he saw and felt the glory of Castalia, even as he devoted himself to it, as an imperiled greatness that was on the wane.
His imperiled and usually unhappy state appealed to all his friend's chivalric feelings.
But for Knecht's watchfulness and pedagogic guidance, his imperiled friend would in all likelihood have come to grief early in his life.
But his kindly efforts to help unstable and imperiled personalities such as Petrus or Tegularius do suggest an unusually alert sensitivity to such maladies or susceptibilities on the part of Castalians.
At any rate, I see my suitability to serve as Magister Ludi as imperiled, and this by circumstances beyond my control.
Here I am sitting in the top story of our Castalian edifice, occupied with the Glass Bead Game, working with delicate, sensitive instruments, and instinct tells me, my nose tells me, that down below something is burning, our whole structure is imperiled, and that my business now is not to analyze music or define rules of the Game, but to rush to where the smoke is.
He had regained his beautiful wife, the sweet hours of lovemaking with her, and then his son, who had taught his heart a new kind of love and increasing concern for his imperiled life and happiness, so that now the whole country was on the brink of war.
It had taken Dinin nearly a year to gain the trust of the imperiled Vandree house guard, a position, no doubt, that would be severely jeopardized by his unexplained absence from the house compound.
For the sake of his imperiled friends, Drizzt had to block his fear that Vierna and the others were still in the room.
With respect to your gracious offer to oversee the transport of captives in exchange for information regarding imperiled star systems, I have determined that such services are unwarranted at this stage of our campaign.
The offshore reefs, already imperiled, could suffocate if the microbic crud thickens.
All living things in the bay were imperiled, for the great flood had altered the bases of their existence.