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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Impenitence \Im*pen"i*tence\, n. [L. impenitentia: cf. F. imp['e]nitence.] The condition of being impenitent; failure or refusal to repent; hardness of heart.

He will advance from one degree of wickedness and impenitence to another.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1620s, from Latin impaenitentia, from impaenitens (see impenitent). Impenitency is from 1560s.


n. The property of being impenitent, of lacking penitence, of not being regretful of wrongs done.


n. the trait of refusing to repent [syn: impenitency]

Usage examples of "impenitence".

But what is attractive in this diary is its complete impenitence, its refusal to move with the times.

This has its source in monastic ideas, where he who denies seems in a state of impenitence and damnation.

For they do not deserve even the healing medicine of purgatory, who in their hardness of heart and impenitence are beyond the reach of any earthly correction, and lay up to themselves anger and vengeance in that day of wrath and revelation of the Just Judgement, when their worm shall not die.