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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
an impending disaster (=one that is going to happen soon)
▪ She had a sense of impending disaster.
imminent/impending extinction (=likely to happen soon)
▪ The ban on hunting was introduced to stop the imminent extinction of some big game animals.
impending doom (=likely to happen soon)
▪ With a terrible sense of impending doom, he opened the door and went in.
▪ The impending changes arise from a worldwide desire to streamline and standardize international trading procedures.
▪ Further impending changes in government legislation may make the pressure experienced during the social security changes seem almost normal.
▪ His absences, and an impending change, forced her to face her own feelings.
▪ Rumours about impending changes will occur anyway, and staff not fully informed are likely to fear the worst.
▪ It lasted about a minute before fading and they both sensed a feeling of impending danger.
▪ It was this radar-like scanning of the night around him, which warned him of a new impending danger.
▪ Fear is an emotional state of mind, caused by a sense of impending danger or pain.
▪ Capability is not a feeling you get, and you rather feel, even from the beginning, an impending danger.
▪ He realised the impending danger and looked up the road where he saw a Morris Minor coming down the hill.
▪ Both catch the film's elegiac mood, bathed in southern sunshine but overhung with impending death.
▪ The news of his impending death had badly ruffled his composure.
▪ Nothing, she told herself, could be worse than this uncertainty, this sense of impending disaster.
▪ Earlier on, they had sensed impending disaster.
▪ And my pounding heart served to give me a feeling of impending doom.
▪ Thomas looked over the marshlands which showed no sign of impending doom.
▪ He has already received warnings of his own impending doom so is lost in his own thoughts, fears and anxieties.
▪ Extra troops were usually a sign of an impending attack.
▪ She met with her husband to discuss their impending divorce.
▪ warnings of an impending ecological disaster
▪ We were sorry to hear about Arlene's impending divorce.
▪ An index with cards for species brought order to impending chaos.
▪ Further impending changes in government legislation may make the pressure experienced during the social security changes seem almost normal.
▪ Her independence was further underlined by an impending marriage, news of which she now shared with Taheb.
▪ Nothing, she told herself, could be worse than this uncertainty, this sense of impending disaster.
▪ The first the trainer knew of the impending purchase was when a fax from Minton was found in his office last Wednesday.
▪ This tendency to associate - designed to warn us of impending danger-can in fact work against us.
▪ When they want to see fees generally jacked up, we get talk of impending evictions.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Impending \Im*pend"ing\, a. Hanging over; overhanging; suspended so as to menace; imminet; threatening.

An impending brow.

And nodding Ilion waits th' impending fall.

Syn: Imminent; threatening. See Imminent.


Impend \Im*pend"\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Impended; p. pr. & vb. n. Impending.] [L. impend[=e]re; pref. im- in + pend[=e]re to hang. See Pendant.] To hang over; to be suspended above; to threaten from near at hand; to menace; to be imminent. See Imminent.

Destruction sure o'er all your heads impends.

  1. Approaching; drawing near; about to happen v

  2. (present participle of impend English)


adj. close in time; about to occur; "retribution is at hand"; "some people believe the day of judgment is close at hand"; "in imminent danger"; "his impending retirement" [syn: at hand(p), close at hand(p), imminent]

Usage examples of "impending".

The juice of young agave leaves is also used medicinally when signs of impending scurvy are detected.

The voice warned of the impending arrival qf African bees in major cities.

Latin Quarter, his thoughts drifting from dadaists to his impending decision.

He wandered aimlessly around the Latin Quarter, his thoughts drifting from dadaists to his impending decision.

A tremendous collision was impending, and thus far the Dauphine had done nothing to avoid it.

It will help us in our proposed investigation, if we first notice that the ecclesiastical doctrine as to an impending destruction of the world is not solitary, but has prototypes and parallels in the faiths of other nations and ages.

Looking hastily about the darkened room to see if any newsmen had witnessed the sexual charade, he was relieved to find that all of them were absent, attending a briefing at the Cape regarding the impending second Gemini shot in which the popular Edward White was going to walk in space.

The wind was coming in pretty good too, and if his knee was any indication of impending rain, Savannah was going to be in for some by evening.

He did not know how his declaration would be received by those assembled here, but as he looked out over the sea of faces he wondered if like Moses, his leadership would be challenged in the face of this impending threat.

Full eager were they of Goblinland and flown with the intoxication of impending battle, and they of the vanguard fared apace, outstripping the Demons, so that Juss was fain to hasten after them lest they should lose touch and fall to confusion.

His nonappearance back on deck would very soon throw the others into confusion, especially now with our impending landing upon the asteroid.

He moved as much melange and pharmaceuticals as he could, set up partnerships to stockpile nonperishable goods, and sheltered his income so that VenKee Enterprises could survive the impending loss of the shipyards.

And in some form or other, immediately or at the impending Parousia, he would meet his disciples in Galilee.

THE FALL OF BEN ABOO The roysterers in the Kasbah sat a long half-hour in ignorance of the doom that was impending.

The worst phase of his somnambulism was the impending fears and terrible visions to which he was subjected.