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impact craters

n. (impact crater English)

Usage examples of "impact craters".

There are many impact craters on Venus, but nothing like the number on the Moon or Mars.

One of the great findings of the Mariner 9 mission to Mars was that there are time-variable streaks and splotches on the Martian surface - many connected with the ramparts of impact craters - which change with the seasons.

And even many years spent inside impact craters did not prepare one, he found-for the depth of the chambers, the steepness of the walls, the flatness of the floor.

And even many years spent inside impact craters did not prepare one, he found—.

Over there I can see what look like impact craters, between the dunes.

Terraced on the ramparts of ancient impact craters, the settlement hoards light, from the prism-cut lofts at the craters' edges to the glass hangars and mirror panes of the huddled warrens on the desert floor.

Its ground was covered by impact craters, scattered rubble and debris, and strange pools of very fine, bluish dust, electrically charged by the relentless sunlight.

Because Earth has weather, especially back then, oh boy, did it have weather then, the resulting impact craters all got eroded away.

His snubfighter roared over the moon's surface, mere scores of meters above the irregular ground, occasionally dropping closer as he and Tyria headed over deep impact craters.

MOLA has been able to provide detailed topographic information about individual features such as impact craters, volcanoes, fractures, channels, and polar deposits.

Small impact craters found on or near the Face can settle the question of its age.

That great continent was pitted by huge, heavily eroded impact craters: to Malenfant they were an oddly pleasing reminder of true, vanished Luna.

Maneuvering closer to the berm, they could see countless wrecks in charred impact craters spaced irregularly along the suburbs below the elevated bypass.

There was a gap in the line of glassy impact craters where one round had splashed a Consie sapper instead of hitting the sandbags.