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The Collaborative International Dictionary

immobilisation \immobilisation\ immobilization \immobilization\n. The act or process of limiting movement or making incapable of movement; as, immobilization of the injured knee was necessary; the storm caused complete immobilization of the rescue team.

Syn: immobilizing.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1846, noun of action from immobilize.


n. 1 The act or process of preventing a thing from moving. 2 (context soil science English) The process in which organic soil matter is decomposed and absorbed by microorganisms, and thus not available to plants.

  1. n. fixation (as by a plaster cast) of a body part in order to promote proper healing; "immobilization of the injured knee was necessary" [syn: immobilisation]

  2. the act of limiting movement or making incapable of movement; "the storm caused complete immobilization of the rescue team" [syn: immobilisation, immobilizing]

Immobilization (soil science)

Immobilization in soil science is the conversion of inorganic compounds to organic compounds by micro-organisms or plants, by which it is prevented from being accessible to plants. Immobilization is the opposite of mineralization.


Immobilization may refer to:

  • Automobile immobilization, the prevention of an automobile's engine from running
  • Economic immobilization, a concept in financial economics
  • Enzyme immobilization, a concept in organic chemistry
  • Immobilization (pathology), a type of human position
  • Immobilization (soil science), the absorption of decomposed organic matter by micro-organisms
  • Molecular immobilization, a fictional magical power in the television series Charmed
  • Muscle immobilization, the complete loss of muscle function for one or more muscle groups
  • Whole cell immobilization, a biochemistry method

Usage examples of "immobilization".

Fastolfe’s supposed responsibility for Jander’s immobilization and thus have gained the majority.

However, I have no fear as long as the matter of Jander’s immobilization is set to rest.

The immobilization was the result of a chance change in his positronic pathways, though the probabilities of that chance change may have been enhanced by what had been going on.

Did you not see that this immobilization would place Fastolfe in great danger?

The immobilization of Jander served both to stop Amadiro and to be the occasion for your visit.

Fastolfe's supposed responsibility for Jander's immobilization and thus have gained the majority.

Fastolfe, if he wishes, can turn the tables by accusing you of the immobilization and, moreover, of having tried to hang a false accusation upon your opponent as well-and you would lose.

However, I have no fear as long as the matter of Jander's immobilization is set to rest.

She threw the syringe away from them in a clatter, attacking him with her good side and he was forced because of her strength, to abandon the osae-waza, the immobilization techniques he would have preferred to use.

Daytime immobilization was no longer compulsory, and a wide variety of sleep patterns slowly developed, including the contemporary correlation of mammalian predators with extensive dreaming and mammalian prey with a more watchful dreamless sleep.

Tori already had her hands in position, inside and beneath Fukuda's cloudmaker, and now she used an aikido immobilization, blocking Fukuda's right arm with her left, then crossing her own right arm over, grabbing Fukuda's wrist.

Wolf got him down by using the ikkyo, the first and simplest of immobilization techniques, using a first-level circular irimi on Bobby's left arm to twist it up over his head, bringing him to his knees.

Nicholas gave up the yonkyo but instead of moving into a second immobilization as Kenzo suspected he would, he employed an atemi—a percussive—moving out of the aikido discipline as the sensei already had.

Nicholas gave up the yonkyo but instead of moving into a second immobilization as Kenzo suspected he would, he employed an atemi-a percussive-moving out of the aikido discipline as the sensei already had.

The ward compartment has gravity control in half-G settings from zero to five, provision for the supply of a variety of gaseous and liquid atmospheres, and both material and non-material forms of restraint-straps and pressor beams, that is- should the casualty be confused, aggressive or require immobilization for medical examination or surgery.