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vb. (en-past of: immobilise)

Usage examples of "immobilised".

She gave him a hefty push which sent him stumbling over the guests still immobilised under the table.

I would have thought there would be no chance in the world of you being as mad as that - they immobilised your engine.

The Riflemen, changing their positions to aim past the smoke of their previous shots, were shooting the draught horses so the guns could not be moved and killing the gunners so the immobilised guns could not be fired.

She lunged for it but her legs gave way as Solchaim immobilised her in the same way as he had immobilised Makartur.

For the moment, one of the ploughs was out of order, a bolt had slipped, a lever refused to work, or a machine had become immobilised in heavy ground, or a horse had lamed himself.