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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Immit \Im*mit"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Immitted; p. pr. & vb. n. Immiting.] [L. immittere, immissum; pref. im- in + mittere to send.] To send in; to inject; to infuse; -- the correlative of emit. [R.]


vb. (context obsolete rare English) To send in, put in, insert, inject or infuse


Immit may refer to:

  • IMMIT or International Master in Management of Information Technology
  • Immit, Pakistan, village in Ishkoman Valley, Pakistan

Usage examples of "immit".

Sure As light enkindles light when heavenly earthly mates, The flame of pure immits the flame of pure, Magnanimous magnanimous creates.