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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ The immensity of the budget crisis was a surprise to everyone.
▪ But I was looking at immensity.
▪ But with that knowledge there came again an aching awareness of the immensity of Time.
▪ He was struck for the first time by the immensity of the secret that swirled around him.
▪ Her meanings all but drowned in the immensity of it all.
▪ His photographs seem to do justice to the epic immensity of the subject, but also its symbolic implications.
▪ Little else had been done to harmonize or soften the concrete's grey immensity.
▪ The town was stunned by the immensity of its loss.
▪ We were quiet awhile with each other in the immensity.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Immensity \Im*men"si*ty\, n.; pl. Immensities. [L. immensitas: cf. F. immensit['e].] The state or quality of being immense; inlimited or immeasurable extension; infinity; vastness in extent or bulk; greatness.

Lost in the wilds of vast immensity.

The immensity of the material system.
--I. Taylor.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

mid-15c., from Middle French immensité (14c.) or directly from Latin immensitatem (nominative immensitas) "immeasurableness," noun of quality from immensus (see immense).


n. 1 The state or characteristic of being immense. 2 An immense object.


n. unusual largeness in size or extent [syn: enormousness, grandness, greatness, immenseness, sizeableness, vastness]

Usage examples of "immensity".

Too much beauty for my deracinated spirit, too much grandeur and immensity.

Everyone listened, and everyone was listening still when It lumbered slobberingly into sight and gropingly squeezed Its gelatinous green immensity through the black doorway into the tainted outside air of that poison city of madness.

It had amused Delicata to reveal the immensity of what lay hidden in Mus, because the very size of it implied that no witnesses would be left to talk of what they knew.

Now, with a single dagger-stroke, that sky was torn open and Skaith stared out upon the galaxystunning in its immensity, thronged with unimagined worlds and peoples, ablaze with the glare of alien suns, busy with life where Skaith was concerned only with her long dying.

He took it, wrung with pain, wracked with guilt, all the ardor and immensity of feeling he had passed on to his daughter liberated, uncontrollable, as fierce and wondrous as it had been in those long-forgotten days before Caepio died.

In plain English this means that the ancient Maya had a far more accurate understanding of the true immensity of geological time, and of the vast antiquity of our planet, than did anyone in Britain, Europe or North America until Darwin propounded the theory of evolution.

Vaster and vaster loomed the tenebrous towers of the nighted castle above, and Carter could see that it was well-nigh blasphemous in its immensity.

Trix stared at its immensity and felt a nauseating vertigo, like she might overtopple and plunge into the giant bands of whirling cloud.

In the Mannschenn Drive Room the complexity of spinning gyroscopes precessed, tumbled, quivered on the very edge of invisibility, pulling the ship and all her people with them down the dark dimensions, through the warped continuum, down and along the empty immensities of the rim of space.

In a moment they stood beside Cathy and Emma in the echoing immensity of the transfer platform.

He was dizzied, stunned, stupefied, his morbid supersensitive mind reeling, drunk with the intoxication of mere immensity.

It may be that across the immensity of space the Martians have watched the fate of these pioneers of theirs and learned their lesson, and that on the planet Venus they have found a securer settlement.

The eternal immensity of the universe is the true Aula Regis in which God holds perpetual session, overlooking no suppliant, omitting no case.

Lockheed-engineered National Security State approved massive latex uber-condom, a super-project of such immensity as to call for the unlikely marriage of the conceptual vision of Christo and the sleazy contracting gusto of Bechtel, Inc?

New England knows, if one came here as many a lonely youth had come here in the past, some boy from the inland immensity of America, some homesick lad from the South, from the marvellous hills of Old Catawba, he might be pierced again by the bitter ecstasy of youth, the ecstasy that tears him apart with a cry that has no tongue, the ecstasy that is proud, lonely, and exultant, that is fierce with joy and a moment, that the intangible cannot be touched, the ungraspable cannot be grasped--the imperial and magnificent minute is gone for ever which, with all its promises, its million intuitions, he wishes to clothe with the living substance of beauty.