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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Immedicable \Im*med"i*ca*ble\, a. [L. Immedicabilis. See In- not, and Medicable.] Not to be healed; incurable. ``Wounds immedicable.''


a. incurable; not able to be assisted by medicine.

Usage examples of "immedicable".

The evil was so wide-spreading, so violent and immedicable, that no care, no prevention could be judged superfluous, which even added a chance to our escape.

Evil, the immedicable plague, which, while Man looks on his creation like a God And sees that it is glorious, drives him on, The wreck of his own will, the scorn of earth, The outcast, the abandoned, the alone?

He opened his eyes and saw her: She was ancient, her age-loose flesh leaf-brown, her huge, dark eyes milky around the edges, sunken, hooded with immedicable sorrow.

She was snared by the old seduction of death-the preterite and immedicable conviction that any violence directed at her was condign, that she deserved the punishment she had always denied.