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IMIT can mean:

  • Institute of Medical Imaging Technology in the USA
  • Institute of Musical Instrument Technology in the UK
  • Institute of Medical Imaging Technology in the USA
  • Institute for Management of Innovation and Technology, Göteborg, Sweden
  • Institute for the Management of Information Technology in the UK
  • Institute of Management and Information Technology, Orissa, India

Usage examples of "imit".

It was a matter of some interest, but hardly a profound imposition on the daily routine of the colony, until Imit took an interest.

But seeing little risk to any but a few expendable workers and Imit himself, the Queen bade him to proceed, in the hopes that where incredulity prevailed, a benevolent destiny might intervene.

That it was accomplished through the inculcation of the black arts no one could doubt, for it was whispered often and openly that Imit had the command of forces and resources denied even to long-lived Queens.

Somehow, despite the impossible disparity in sizes, Imit succeeded in attracting the attention of the visitant.

When the last of the presents had been handed over, Imit boldly approached the visitant itself, thus demonstrating either remarkable courage or blind stupidity.

Though wary and incredulous, she and her advisers were unable to dismiss the reports of both Imit and the workers who had witnessed the historic encounter.

Much pleased with himself, Imit set off at the head of a multiple column of workers, carrying the finest, most completely refined sugar the colony could produce.

Regardless, the column approached, intending to deliver its presents with as much fanfare and ceremony as Imit could muster.

When Imit and his troop arrived, these representatives of our sworn enemy were in the process of divesting themselves of a great load of processed sugar, which they placed in an ever-growing pile at the foot of the visitant.

No doubt the same thoughts were occurring to Imit’s crimson equivalent, for it is reported that he looked every bit as startled as Imit by the unexpected confrontation.

Espying the obtruding Reds, Imit immediately gave the order to attack.