Imagineering, based in Glen Rock, New Jersey, was the in-house studio of Absolute Entertainment. Many notable video games developed for Absolute include A Boy and His Blob: Trouble on Blobolonia, Battle Tank, Super Battletank and The Rescue of Princess Blobette. They are also best known for their video games developed for third-party publishers, such as Acclaim Entertainment, Hi Tech Expressions and T*HQ.
In every game Imagineering had produced for outside publishers, the following message always appears in the title screen and in the instruction booklet: "Developed by Imagineering Inc., Glen Rock N.J.". However, they were not credited in Absolute's video games.
Imagineering was in existence from 1986 to 1995. The last games developed by Imagineering were Home Improvement and Penn & Teller's Smoke and Mirrors.
Imagineering is a portmanteau combining the words "imagination" and "engineering". Imagineering is the implementing of creative ideas into practical form.
The word is well known for its use within the name of Walt Disney Imagineering; however, contrary to popular belief, the term was neither coined by Disney, nor did it originate there. The word was "invented" by Alcoa around 1940, and appeared widely in numerous publications of several disciplines such as urban design, geography and politics, evolutionary economics, corporate culture and futures studies.
Usage examples of "imagineering".
We've got i ,000 animals roaming here and unless the folks in Imagineering come up with some amazing new gadget, there's going to be lots of poop.