The archive of Queen Iltani , wife of the ruler Aqba-hammu, was discovered in the palace of Karana. The main group of tablets from the archive consisted of about 200 letters and administrative records, which directly concern the queen.
The letters tell us that Queen Iltani worked hard at running the palace industries, in particular the textiles and food, and had to meet her husband’s frequent, urgent demands for goods and personnel. She had to deal with many letters from individuals asking for help or resources, and she was concerned with her own health, querulous and indignant. Iltani’s work as overseer of the textile business in the palace of Rimah is well documented in the archive. The “department of Iltani,” as the business was called, employed 15 women and 10 men. Iltani was also involved in the metal trade; she personally received copper from her male subordinate.
Belassunu was Iltani's sister.