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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Illegibility \Il*leg`i*bil"i*ty\, n. The state or quality of being illegible.


n. The characteristic or quality of being illegible; the quality of being difficult or impossible to read.


n. writing (print or handwriting) that cannot be deciphered [ant: legibility]

Usage examples of "illegibility".

The desk was littered with lists, most of them scratched to the point of illegibility and splattered with a saline solution of perspiration and tears.

There were a lot of lists, some scratched into illegibility and others fresh with ill-fated optimism.

And Will knew that in his own time, somewhere in the village churchyard, covered either by more recent burials or by a stone crumbling into illegibility now, there would be the grave of a man named Hawkin, who had died some time in the thirteenth century and lain there in peace ever since.

The jerky illegibility of the message suggested that it had been written on a train or bus.

Over the door a sign, faded almost to illegibility, said BLACKWELL PRINTING COMPANY.