Illegal abortion is any abortion which is contrary to the laws of the jurisdiction in which it is carried out, or sometimes the laws of the country of origin of the participants. When performed in a non-medical or quasi-medical setting they are sometimes referred to as back-street abortions. Illegal abortions may also be self-induced (a "self procedure"). Both back-street abortions and self procedures are known for their associated health risks compared to standard medical care.
As time has passed, the classification of legal and illegal abortion has changed in various jurisdictions. Notably in the Western world, the introduction of laws against abortion was followed in the 20th century with changes to allow abortion in a gradually wider range of circumstances. Towards the end of the 20th century and into the beginning of the 21st, advances in medical technology mean that the foetus becomes viable from a much earlier stage, prompting reconsideration of the latest that a termination for non-medical reasons may be considered legal.
Usage examples of "illegal abortion".
Wade, it was predominantly the daughters of middle-or upper-class families who could arrange and afford a safe illegal abortion.
At best, some womens lives would be saved by abortion if one presupposes women will make good on their threat to: (1) refuse to use birth control and (2) when they get pregnant, engage in unsafe and illegal abortion procedures.
Regrettably, he had no choice but to conclude that she hadn't made up her mind whether to keep the baby or to seek out an illegal abortion without Junior's approval.