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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Ill-looking \Ill"-look`ing\, a. Having a bad look; threatening; ugly. See Note under Ill, adv.


a. 1 having an unhealthy appearance 2 unattractive; ugly 3 of evil or sinister appearance

Usage examples of "ill-looking".

I could not help gazing at her, and two minutes later an ill-looking fellow beside her came up to my companion and whispered something in his ear.

When Eny saw the big cuddlesome lump collapsed on her bed, crying night and day, her face swollen and ill-looking, scarcely able to speak for grief, her impulse might have been to shake the girl till her teeth bounced in her head.

Ralph deemed that this must be no other than the Lord of Utterbol, yet after all the tales he had heard of that lord, he seemed no such terrible man: he was short of stature, but broad across the shoulders, his hair long, strait, and dark brown of hue, and his beard scanty: he was straight-featured and smooth-faced, and had been no ill-looking man, save that his skin was sallow and for his eyes, which were brown, small, and somewhat bloodshot.

The next day I dined with Mengs, and the day after that I was accosted in the street by an ill-looking fellow, who bade me follow him to a cloister, as he had something of importance to communicate to me.

As I wanted to spend as little as possible, the peasant took me to an ill-looking fellow who, for two paoli paid in advance, consented to give me a lodging.

We turned back into the town, and I let myself be led up to the third floor of an ill-looking house, and in the meanest of rooms I saw the pretended nieces of Peccini.

I could not help gazing at her, and two minutes later an ill-looking fellow beside her came up to my companion and whispered something in his ear.

Barcelona yesterday, I noticed three ill-looking fellows watching us, armed to the teeth.

The next day I dined with Mengs, and the day after that I was accosted in the street by an ill-looking fellow, who bade me follow him to a cloister, as he had something of importance to communicate to me.

Whether because he had been to a funeral or not, the peculiar Forsyte build of his face was seen to the best advantage this afternoon--a face concave and long, with a jaw which divested of flesh would have seemed extravagant: altogether a chinny face though not at all ill-looking.

Through the earlier part of the forenoon watch they often cried out that they would not come down, that they would stay in the ship for ever, and that the girls in the orphanage were an ill-looking pack of swabs.