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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
ill-founded worries
▪ But any doubts about Marillion's future were clearly ill-founded.
▪ But the case of Auerbach merely serves to illustrate how ill-founded the criterion is.
▪ Suppositions built on postcards and photographs might be as ill-founded as his short-lived suspicions of being followed the night before.
▪ The experience of the 1970s, further, demonstrated that the principal argument in favour of flexible exchange rates was ill-founded.
▪ The trouble is that the revised version of the legend of the Courts of Love is as ill-founded as the old one.
▪ The whole enterprise was ill-founded from the start.

Usage examples of "ill-founded".

Unlike the religion of books or creeds, these mystic shows and performances were not the reading of a lecture, but the opening of a problem, implying neither exemption from research, nor hostility to philosophy: for, on the contrary, philosophy is the great Mystagogue or Arch-Expounder of symbolism: though the interpretations by the Grecian Philosophy of the old myths and symbols were in many instances as ill-founded, as in others they are correct.

Court declares the judgment pronounced by the magistrates of the Chatelet against the above named Derues to be good and right, and his appeal against the same to be bad and ill-founded.

It agitates the Community with ill-founded jealousies and false alarms.