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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ an ill-fitting suit
▪ Dentures had formerly been bought from a professional laboratory, but now ill-fitting ones were ordered from a federal prison.
▪ He was dressed in a wrinkled yellow plaid shirt which hung outside ill-fitting trousers.
▪ He was dressed neatly enough in grey breeches, white shirt and an ill-fitting blue coat, but was barefoot.
▪ Heroin acts as an ill-fitting key which can open the lock but can not then be withdrawn.
▪ People have found ways to escape ill-fitting jobs, start training programs, or enter graduate school.
▪ Zero is dressed in a plain white T-shirt and ill-fitting jeans rolled up about six inches.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

ill-fitting \ill-fitting\ adj. Fitting poorly; not the proper size and cut; -- of clothing.


a. 1 Poorly fitted. 2 Improperly matched; unsuitable.

Usage examples of "ill-fitting".

The first personage to emerge from the doorway in the belly of the silver fuselage was the political agent from Asmara, Signor Antolino, looking more rumpled and seedy than ever in his creased, ill-fitting tropical linen suit.

The body under the ill-fitting khaki uniform looked as if all the spare flesh had been burned from it, leaving behind not a trim-looking beachboy but rather a worn-down farmer, burned a deep brown by the sun.

In the ill-fitting sack dress and worn shawl, her hair flowing loose and unkempt from her twenty-four hours on Pinchgut, she looked, she was aware, very much like the kind of woman Hannah had suggested she was.

His rainsuit is old and ill-fitting, patched with duct tape, smudged in soot, stained repugnantly about the crotch.

Getting out of that horrible, whirring prison and back into the freedom of the network was like finally being allowed to take off a scratchily ill-fitting Christmas sweater after the aunt who gave it to him had finally gone home.

In contrast to the coarse ill-fitting clothes of Valeri, Bower was wearing a well-tailored fawn Saxony check suit, soft yellow cotton shirt, Wykehamist tie and yellow pullover.

The late King Tamhas FitzGerald had been a much taller, far beefier man than this Flann Mac Core Ui Fingen, and only his boots had been a fit, but the clothing of King Sean FitzRobertwho had been both shorter and a bit slighter in buildcould be made to cover the flesh of Flann, though it hung a bit here and there, so emaciated was he, but outside the palace itself, most of the ill-fitting clothing could be and in practice was covered by a wide cloak.

Blade, Athena, and Grizzly, all wearing ill-fitting white parkas, followed.

It had nothing to do with that dumb jug or the ceremonious adherence to strict relationships or her miserably ill-fitting clothes.

Its appearance is a little unfamiliar of course, but all the muddle of dust-collecting hangings and witless ornament that cover the earthly bedroom, the valances, the curtains to check the draught from the ill-fitting wood windows, the worthless irrelevant pictures, usually a little askew, the dusty carpets, and all the paraphernalia about the dirty, black-leaded fireplace are gone.

Matern signs and is led to a bathroom where, standing beside a dry tub, he is expected to remove his traveling clothes and put on light denims, woolen socks, high clodhoppers, a woolen scarf, and a new, yellow-varnished, and ill-fitting hard hat.

He pulled from his ill-fitting jacket (bought with money he and Pie had won gambling in Attaboy) a dog-eared copy of Fanny Hill—the only volume in English, besides Pilgrim's Progress, which he'd been able to purchase—and used it to flail at the insects, then gave up.

The torment of the ill-fitting, chafing hide, the incessantly-repeated small rasping wounds, the ooze of blood, the flayed soles of his feet, attached to the fur by court-plaster, the heat, the suffocation, the vile uncleanliness, had reached what he had thought the unendurable point ten days, two hundred miles, ago, in the torrid waste of the Causse du Palan.

They were the messiest pre-adolescents Iantine had ever encountered: plump, since they were indolent by nature, dressed in ill-fitting apparel since the Hold's seamstress was not particularly adept, and constantly eating: generally something that ran, smeared or left crumbs on their chins and tunics.

A pretty child, with big, scared eyes, a tangle of brown hair, and a deplorably outmoded and ill-fitting gown.