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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ an ill-defined border
▪ The procedures are ill-defined and completely untested.
▪ Above the scoop neckline of her peacock blue dress, an ill-defined rash of mottled pink broke out, then faded.
▪ Government documents and official statements concerning integration are replete with romantic and ill-defined language.
▪ I will seek to show that it is confined within narrow, if ill-defined, bounds.
▪ She shivered at some ill-defined idea, drifting past out of reach, in the foggy recesses of her mind.
▪ The few planetaries bright enough to be seen with binoculars show up in the guise of dim, ill-defined stars.
▪ They constitute an assortment of ill-defined symptoms that affect people in different ways and to different extents.
▪ With other semi-regular stars, the periods are so ill-defined as to be barely recognizable, and sometimes the fluctuations become random.

a. 1 Poorly defined; blurry, out of focus; lacking a clear boundary. 2 (context mathematics English) Defined in an inconsistent way.


adj. poorly stated or described; "he confuses the reader with ill-defined terms and concepts" [syn: unclear] [ant: well-defined]

Usage examples of "ill-defined".

It is also possible for many untrained minds acting together to make fuzzy, ill-defined thought forms that can be picked up the same way, such as UFOs and sightings of the Devil.

Dutchess Realty Company, where Meg Torrens sat, her white blouse ill-defined but evident in the dimness of the office.

Under the friendly cover of a starless night the men, in Indian file, like a party of Iroquois braves upon the war trail, stole up the winding and ill-defined path which led to the summit.

I thought of the million drifting Morelands suddenly shocked into a realization of the desperate plight of things and of priceless chances lost forever in the past and of their own ill-defined but certain complicity in the disaster.

But it so happens that the town, which as you will recall was an independent Christian republic before the treaty of Pressburg, lies between three ill-defined beyliks, and its status has not yet been finally decided in Constantinople.

Here was a trading post, Freetown, and behind it an ill-defined, disease-ridden interior.

Hands grasp, pedipalpi quiver, spiracles ripple, pincers snap like scissors, and other ill-defined extrusions appear and at once vanish in a roiling tumult of glistening carapaces that melt into whipping tails, in snarls of coarse hair that smooth into scaly flanks, expressing a biological chaos that makes Curtis's confusion in the twins' bathroom seem, by comparison, merely an amusing faux pas.

Why we end up the first country in history to voluntarily give back land won in battle in exchange for an ill-defined peace with people who hate our guts.

Light filtered from a sky of no assignable colour in baffling, contradictory directions, and played almost sentiently over what seemed to be a curved line of gigantic hieroglyphed pedestals more hexagonal than otherwise, and surmounted by cloaked, ill-defined shapes.

Having carefully examined Lady Violet, and made certain that she was suffering from no organic disease, it only remained for me to conclude that she was a victim to one of those many ill-defined and misunderstood nervous disorders, which, by their variety and complexity, present the greatest difficulty in medical practice.

It is also possible for a large number of untrained minds to make fuzzy, ill-defined thought-forms that can be picked up the same way, such as UFOs and sightings of the Devil.

Do what they may to persuade themselves that their state is the happiest, they are still full of vague unrests, of dim, ill-defined dissatisfactions, of a tendency to narrow ways and selfish thoughts.