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Ikunum was a king of Assyria between 1867 BC — 1860 BC and the son of Ilushuma. He built a temple for the god Ninkigal. He strengthened the fortifications of the city of Assur and maintained commercial colonies in Asia Minor. The following is a list of the sixteen annually-elected limmu officials from the year of accession of Ikunum until the year of his death. BC dates are based on a date of 1833 BC for the recorded solar eclipse in the limmu of Puzur-Ištar:

1920 BC Buzi son of Adad-rabi
1919 BC Šuli son of Šalmah
1918 BC Iddin-Suen son of Šalmah
1917 BC Ikunum son of Šudaya
1916 BC Dan-Wer son of Ahu-ahi
1915 BC Šu-Anum from Nerabtim
1914 BC Il-massu son of Aššur-ṭab
1913 BC Šu-Hubur son of Šuli
1912 BC Idua son of Ṣulili
1911 BC Laqip son of Puzur-Laba
1910 BC Šu-Anum the hapirum
1909 BC Uku son of Bila
1908 BC Aššur-malik son of Panaka
1907 BC Dan-Aššur son of Puzur-Wer
1906 BC Šu-Kubum son of Ahu-ahi
1905 BC Irišum son of Iddin-Aššur