The Collaborative International Dictionary
Ignoramus \Ig`no*ra"mus\, n. [L., we are ignorant. See Ignore.]
(Law) We are ignorant; we ignore; -- being the word formerly written on a bill of indictment by a grand jury when there was not sufficient evidence to warrant them in finding it a true bill. The phrase now used is, ``No bill,'' ``No true bill,'' or ``Not found,'' though in some jurisdictions ``Ignored'' is still used.
--Wharton (Law Dict. ). Burn.-
(pl. Ignoramuses.) A stupid, ignorant person; a vain pretender to knowledge; a dunce.
An ignoramus in place and power.
Usage examples of "ignoramuses".
Now the duke is this Nevers, and if anybody comes and tells me that Nevers is not a Mantuan or a Monferrino, I’ll kick his backside, because you’re nothing but a bunch of ignoramuses, incapable of understanding these things, so best you keep your mouths shut and leave everything to your master, who at least knows what honor is.
The moon was now full, and Roberto, seeing it in the sky, could make out its spots, which children and ignoramuses consider the eyes and mouth of a benevolent face.
We're civilians, free citizens, and it burns us to be treated as dumb slaves by these Queegs, who are the most colossal ignoramuses in the world except for their book.
How the hell could four ignoramuses like you and Keefer and those two others try a not-guilty plea?