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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Ignominy \Ig"no*min*y\, n.; pl. Ignominies. [L. ignominia ignominy (i.e., a deprivation of one's good name); in- not + nomen name: cf. F. ignominie. See In- not, and Name.]

  1. Public disgrace or dishonor; reproach; infamy.

    Their generals have been received with honor after their defeat; yours with ignominy after conquest.

    Vice begins in mistake, and ends in ignominy.

    Ignominy is the infliction of such evil as is made dishonorable, or the deprivation of such good as is made honorable by the Commonwealth.

  2. An act deserving disgrace; an infamous act.

    Syn: Opprobrium; reproach; dishonor.


n. (plural of ignominy English)

Usage examples of "ignominies".

She led the crowd against Ing’s Ignominies and personally incapacitated at least seven Ingrates before I lost count.

She led the crowd against Ing's Ignominies and personally incapacitated at least seven Ingrates before I lost count.

Beginning with his immigration to Canada, long ago, he rehearsed the ignominies and burdens of his youth, his determination not to knuckle under to Fate, his daring and high resolve in raising himself above the artisan class in which he had begun, and the Herculean labours which he had undertaken in order to -- to what?