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n. A kind of djinn mentioned in the Qur'an.


Ifrit, efreet, efrite, ifreet, afreet, afrite and afrit ( Arabic: : , pl : ) are supernatural creatures in some Middle Eastern stories.

Ifrit (disambiguation)

Ifrit is a supernatural creature in Arabic and Islamic cultures.

Ifrit may refer to:

  • Ifrit (bird), another name for the blue-capped ifrit
  • Ifrit (Final Fantasy), a recurring character from the Final Fantasy video game series
  • Ifrit (Sonic the Hedgehog), a character in the video game Sonic Rivals 2

Usage examples of "ifrit".

Entwined and twisted around that thin brown thread was a pulsing purpled rope of an ifrit lifethread, and that purpled ropelike thread dwindled southward into the distance, but not all that far, Alucius felt.

That was what I had to do against the Recorder of Deeds in Tempre, the one that the ifrit took over, and I was so tired that I could barely move.

He had no way of knowing if Weslyn had simply met an ifrit, not even recognizing it, or was a marginal agent of the ifrits.

The faint touch of Talent indicated something besides ifrit involvement, but what?

The man wore maroon silk and radiated the purpleness of an ifrit as he stood on the landing of the steps, little more than five yards below Alucius.

Alucius extended his Talent, but aside from a lingering trace of ifrit purple, there was no sign of anything besides wood and metal.

The ifrit figure was not threatening, not carrying a weapon, just there.

He carried the aura of purpleness that bespoke some ifrit contact, an aura stronger even than that which had surrounded Colonel Weslyn.

Then, recalling his training with the soarer, he concentrated on seeking the nodes beneath and within the ifrit lifethread, the thread that was linked to something to the south.

Alucius had to believe that Tarolt was another ifrit, but he was hesitant to confront another trader immediately.

What if more than the one ifrit had been behind the attempted assassination after Alucius had first left the Northern Guard?

Not only was Tarolt an ifrit, but so was the dark-haired man in a maroon riding jacket who rode beside him.

Tarolt stood in the doorway, blocking any escape, and the power of the ifrit filled the doorway, a shimmering cloak of purple radiance.

Tarolt and the actual fleeting look of puzzlement on the face of the shorter ifrit told Alucius that the two knew nothing about disappearances.

Tarolt had been driven to one side of the Table room, but the ifrit had already regained his footing and turned back toward Alucius.