phr. (context formal English) please
If You Please (S'il Vous Plaît) is a Dada– Surrealist play co-written by the French surrealist writer and theorist André Breton and poet and novelist Philippe Soupault.
If You Please was written several years before the publication of the Surrealist Manifesto when Breton was primarily associated with Dada. The original performance was on March 27, 1920 at the Salle Berlioz in Paris and was part of a larger Dada program that "included Tzara's Zurich success La Premiere Adventure céleste de M. Antipyrine [The First Celestial Adventure of Mr. Antipyrine], Le Serin muet [The Silent Serin] by Ribemont-Dessaignes, Le ventriloque désaccordé [The Untuned Ventriloquist] by Paul Dermée, and Picabia's Manifeste cannibale dans l'obscurité [The Cannibal Manifesto in the Dark]."
Usage examples of "if you please".
The pet shop (with a sign in the window saying we have siamese if you please) was called White Rabbit.
The pet shop (with a sign in the window saying WE HAVE SIAMESE IF YOU PLEASE) was called White Rabbit.
Bolivar, crack a bottle of champagne out of our survival kit, if you please.
That these are not usually given to it, - that numbers of people accept a few stock commonplace expressions of the face as the whole list of characteristics, and neither seek nor know the refinements that are truest, - that You, for instance, give a great deal of time and attention to the reading of music, Greek, Latin, French, Italian, Hebrew, if you please, and do not qualify yourself to read the face of the master or mistress looking over your shoulder teaching it to you, - I assume to be five hundred times more probable than improbable.
Imagine, if you please, one such, who never had brains or self- command sufficient to control himself, placed in command of thirty-five thousand men.
Allworthy is summoned to breakfast, where I must attend, and, if you please, shall be glad of your company.
But nevertheless, when I think more attentively, I find that existence can no more be separated from the essence of God than from the essence of a rectilinear triangle can be separated the equality of its three angles to two right angles, or, indeed, if you please, from the idea of a mountain the idea of a valley.
May your Highness, then, accept this book with as much kindness as it is presented and if you please diligently and deliberately to reflect upon it you will find in it my extreme desire that your Highness may arrive at that grandeur which fortune and your accomplishments do seem to presage.
I now stood before my judges in all the truth of nature, to whom I could not appear a very disagreeable figure, if you please to recollect what I have before said of my person, which time, that at certain periods of life robs us every instant of our charms, had, at that of mine, then greatly improved into full and open bloom, for I wanted some months of eighteen.