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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ The price must be clearly legible to a prospective purchaser and clearly identifiable as referring to the goods in question.
▪ To be effective, market segments must be clearly identifiable and substantial enough to be potentially profitable.
▪ There are schools in which the practices of the past are even more clearly identifiable.
▪ Within their own group there was little to strive for since there were no clearly identifiable roles available.
▪ The identification card should have a clearly identifiable photo and logo.
▪ There are still clearly identifiable wealthy families, even if their assets are spread across different holdings and various forms of investment.
▪ They fell into clearly identifiable categories, many of which can be traced back to the nineteenth century and beyond.
▪ That the goods involved be stored in such a way that they are clearly identifiable.
▪ Their products are easily identifiable as close substitutes for one another.
▪ Even if you shed your red suspenders and adopted protective coloration, you were easily identifiable as a trainee.
▪ The temple is easily identifiable by its long, rectangular Central Court, in this case oriented north-north-east to south-south-west.
▪ Only the woman has a dependable and easily identifiable connection to the child-a tie on which society can rely.
▪ Going back a couple of years, ice climbers were a very small, easily identifiable group.
▪ The personal scent trail which it thereby leaves provides an easily identifiable highway home.
▪ Checks have been made on roadside sellers throughout the area because the fruit is easily identifiable.
▪ This kind of fundamentalism is easily identifiable in the world today.
▪ The adversarial nature of contentious proceedings before the International Court ensures that the parties are readily identifiable.
▪ Each pair, often by different photographers, famous or little-known, is readily identifiable by their matching frames.
▪ Hence, there is a readily identifiable gain to both parties.
▪ Most of this money came from domestic sources readily identifiable as seekers of federal favors.
▪ She is, however, described as a senior State Department official and is readily identifiable in Washington circles.
▪ It is based principally on morphological characteristics readily identifiable in the field.
▪ Presentational infidelity is less clear-cut and less readily identifiable than selectivity or measurement distortion.
▪ Going back a couple of years, ice climbers were a very small, easily identifiable group.
▪ Within the community there will be identifiable groups which have connections with powerful individuals. 3.
▪ The fingerprint on the door was not identifiable.
▪ A closed loop is a self-contained unit that has no identifiable beginning or end, like a circle or an integrated circuit.
▪ And fussy, fidgety babies, the researchers found, show an identifiable brain-wave pattern.
▪ But nowhere does the jazz component lose its identifiable tone.
▪ It was personalized and identifiable in a way unknown since Lloyd George's heyday.
▪ Neighbourhood police are all too aware of the risk: We are identifiable by our uniform.
▪ Richard Lugar of Indiana and businessman Morry Taylor have no identifiable following here.
▪ The wooden black boy in the corner was identifiable by his white gloves in the gloom.
▪ To be effective, market segments must be clearly identifiable and substantial enough to be potentially profitable.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Identifiable \I*den"ti*fi`a*ble\, a. Capable of being identified.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1804, from identify + -able. Related: Identifiably.


a. Capable of being distinguished and named.


adj. possible to identify [ant: unidentifiable]

Usage examples of "identifiable".

Because brute-force computers broke codes by examining cleartext for identifiable word patterns, Harne proposed an encryption algorithm that, in addition to encrypting, shifted decrypted cleartext over a time variant.

The little Beech Bonanza, identifiable visually by its butterfly tail, was cruising at 175 mph, its destination Baltimore.

She finally spotted Hander, easily identifiable by his unruly shock of red hair and animated discourse.

Jetliners--Alitalia Cardinals, American Eagles, China Air Juncos, each identifiable by coloring or wing configuration--circled, waiting for their turns to land.

Without the kind of identifiable identity that belongs to the individual thing as a subject of change, human beings, having obviously mutable existence, could not be held morally responsible for their acts.

Much of their nosiness was stimulated by the knowledge that the vessel was of no identifiable type, despite the fact that they could recognize all the seventy basic patterns common to their entire region.

In his discussion with Rym, he had come up with all manner of dimensions to spells that would make them identifiable.

Genetic technicians can correct every identifiable malady in the zygotes, and children are born healthy for life.

Jenny when Joe Halston, his bullish form easily identifiable, came thudding around the nearest turn.

Now he stands erect and solemn, a waxwork at the graveside, his face the instantly identifiable emblem of Rackham Perfumeries set atop the dark column of his mourning-suit.

This is not an instance of one galaxy colliding with another and absorbing it, or of a supermassive black hole or other identifiable astronomical phenomenon siphoning off stellar mass.

Pieces of car and bodies were scattered for a mile down the thruway and the only whole, identifiable human bodies were those of the three youngsters thrown out and sent hurtling to their deaths more than two hundred feet away.

However, as in the case of mammoth, well-defined bison kill sites similar to those farther south have not been discovered in eastern Beringia, although a few identifiable bison remains have been found in archeological sites.

That there should be an identifiable chord for each bar, and the notes in the bar should relate to this identifiable chord: the notes on the main beats should almost always be members of the chord.

The dense green of the shore was resolving into identifiable trees, bluejack oak and cedar, but even so the distance was too great.