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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Identically \I*den"tic*al*ly\, adv. In an identical manner; with respect to identity. ``Identically the same.''
--Bp. Warburton. ``Identically different.''


adv. In an identical manner.


adv. with complete identity; in an identical manner; "he is fitted with an identically similar one"

Usage examples of "identically".

This organ appeared to be a replica of the one outside the Rembrandt, with the same garish colour scheme, multi-coloured canopy and identically dressed puppets dancing at the end of their elasticized strings, although this machine was clearly inferior, mechanically and musically, to the Rembrandt one.

Your earss are rather prominently external, but our eyess are identically possitioned, though your pupilss are round and ourss vertical.

Dorel looked from him to Katana, their eyes beseeching her almost identically.

He stamped twice upon mosaicked stones between two of the pillars, and a screen rolled aside, revealing an immense hall scattered about with low divans on which lolled a dozen or more of the dwarfish men, dressed identically as he.

And since Selenay was going to be costumed identically with eleven of her ladies, at least until the moment of unmasking, this was probably one of the few times when she would be safer without a bodyguard.

Surely the bodily modification and other experience that have accompanied the sundering, must have occurred, identically, within the Matter?

The principle which determines the general character of the fauna and flora of oceanic islands, namely, that the inhabitants, when not identically the same, yet are plainly related to the inhabitants of that region whence colonists could most readily have been derived,--the colonists having been subsequently modified and better fitted to their new homes,--is of the widest application throughout nature.

All six were dressed identically to Vastor, and each bore those twin teardrop shields that snarled like overdriven comm speakers.

Morris Marina drivers drove off in their identically spluttering cars.

Identically built pads flanked it--lemon yellow, lavender, turquoise, salmon and hot pink alternating down the hillside, ending at a sign proclaiming, VISTA VIEW GARDENS!

Nile mirroring the Milky Way and with the three Pyramids and the belt stars identically disposed in relation to the meridian.

All three of them were dressed identically, wearing a superstrength olive-green one-piece anti-projectile suit, covered with an outer insulation layer to diffuse beam weapons.

Tony and Angelo were swinging head down, side by side, timing their swings identically like mass-produced clock pendulums.

And to his eyes blackbirds were never, not even in snow-covered gardens, identically black and yellow-billed.

And she also knew the single secret from which one could distinguish them, one small freckle which Olivia had at the top of her right palm, and Victoria had identically and equally minutely on her left one.