Crossword clues for idealise
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
The Collaborative International Dictionary
idealise \idealise\ v. 1. Same as idealize. [Chiefly Brit.]
vb. (alternative spelling of idealize English)
Usage examples of "idealise".
The narcissist instantly idealises or devalues, depending on his appraisal of the potential one has as a Narcissistic Supply Source.
Of course she had idealised him, as was natural in a woman thinking of a man who has been represented to her as full of native nobleness.
And his love for his mother, whom he idealised, remained the fact of hope and of belief.
For him not even passionate love was to preserve the power of idealising its object.
Eldon, finding in the old man a certain unexpected refinement over and above his goodness of heart, consciously or unconsciously encouraged herself in idealising him, that the way of interest might approach as nearly as might be to that of honour.
He saw himself as a ludicrous figure, acting as a pennyboy for his aunts, a nervous, well-meaning sentimentalist, orating to vulgarians and idealising his own clownish lusts, the pitiable fatuous fellow he had caught a glimpse of in the mirror.
He was not able to realise his ideals, but he had the angel aim by which he idealised his reals.
If the family in its best forms is, as it is often said to be, a school of sympathy, tenderness, and loving forgetfulness of self, it is still oftener, as respects its chief, a school of wilfulness, overbearingness, unbounded selfish indulgence, and a double-dyed and idealised selfishness, of which sacrifice itself is only a particular form: the care for the wife and children being only care for them as parts of the man’s own interests and belongings, and their individual happiness being immolated in every shape to his smallest preferences.
Of Sam Spade as a character, Dashiell Hammett confessed that he had no particular prototype: `He is idealised in the sense that he is what most of the private detectives I have worked with would like to have been.
For want of this, they often not only overlook the contradiction which outward facts oppose to their theories, but lose sight of the legitimate purpose of speculation altogether, and let their speculative faculties go astray into regions not peopled with real beings, animate or inanimate, even idealised, but with personified shadows created by the illusions of metaphysics or by the mere entanglement of words, and think these shadows the proper objects of the highest, the most transcendant, philosophy.