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Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1690s, from ice (n.) + skate (n.2). The verb usually was simply skate until the advent of roller-skating mid-18c. made distinction necessary.


vb. (context intransitive transitive English) to skate on ice, wearing ice skates

Usage examples of "ice-skate".

The three women and two men demonstrated fancy ice-skating moves, jumps so high they could twist around three times, layback spins, midair splits.

People were falling in love, getting married, going to drug rehab, learning how to ice-skate, getting bifocals, studying for exams, trying on clothes, getting their hair cut, and getting born.

I can spot a crowd gonna turn mean from the minute it comes in the place, whatever kind of place it may be, an arena, a concert hall, an ice-skating rink, or a park like this one today.

Trevor and I walked through the door at the end of the hall and into a large, high-ceilinged room with several sets of wooden bleachers overlooking a large oval ice-skating rink.

This Saturday night the plan is to meet at the Lloyd Center shopping mall and join hands around the huge ice-skating rink.

The night before last I dreamed I was skating right here in our living room with that little boy from the Apollo ice-skating rink.

To me it was an ice-skating rink for a society of teleports: big enough to hold, say, one percent of a population of five billion.

I could not see the ice-skating rink, nor the fountain where the murdered woman was found.

And it had all the amenities: movie theaters, riding stables, a museum, two golf courses, even an ice-skating rink.

Freezing rain made the metal deck slick as a Boston Common ice-skating rink.

Then back into Odessa, to the familiar comforts of their apartment and the town, in the burnished light of the southern autumn which was the longest season of the Martian year, also the approach to aphelion, day after day dimmer and dimmer, until aphelion came, on Ls 70, and between then and the winter solstice at Ls 90 was the Ice Festival, and they ice-skated on the white sea ice right under the corniche, looking up at the town’.

Then back into Odessa, to the familiar comforts of their apartment and the town, in the burnished light of the southern autumn which was the longest season of the Martian year, also the approach to aphelion, day after day dimmer and dimmer, until aphelion came, on Ls 70, and between then and the winter solstice at Ls 90 was the Ice Festival, and they ice-skated on the white sea ice right under the corniche, looking up at the town's seafront all drifted with snow, white under black clouds.