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ice bath

alt. A receptacle containing ice and water (and sometimes salt) that is used to lower something's temperature, or to keep it cold n. A receptacle containing ice and water (and sometimes salt) that is used to lower something's temperature, or to keep it cold

Ice bath

In sports therapy, an ice bath, or sometimes cold-water immersion or Cold Therapy, is a training regimen usually following a period of intense exercise in which a substantial part of a human body is immersed in a bath of ice or ice-water for a limited duration. While it is becoming increasingly popular and accepted among athletes in a variety of sports, the method is controversial and potentially dangerous, with little solid scientific evidence to support or refute its usefulness or to understand its method of operation within the body (although there is speculation about processes within the body regarding vasoconstriction). In medicine, the practice would be classified as cryotherapy which uses low temperatures as medical therapy.