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IBAN or Iban may refer to:

Usage examples of "iban".

He spoke of the time when he was young and the red-chested trogons always crossed the river in the proper direction and one day he became quite ill and fell into a powerful trance and flew himself faster, higher than any bird up over the roof of the trees to a cave atop Mount Liangpran where he battled from dusk to dawn with the ferocious soul of an Iban village.

He had no token from those three, from Wheyra, Iban, and Hestia, snatched from his side by the demon.

On our way out of the village we ran into a gang of older boys, led by Jakan, the son of Iban the Pharisee.

It was Iban the Pharisee, standing with several other Pharisees from Nazareth.

Olivia pointed to Iban, seating her leather-clad behind right next to him.

Las lentas caravanas de camellos que llegaban por la Puerta del Desierto siempre llevaban, entre los mercaderes, algunos agentes del sátrapa que iban en busca de objetos raros y curiosos que adquirían para el museo privado de su amo.

En la más lejana de todas un río abovedado y pendiente surcaba el cielo y por sus aguas iban peces y barcos.

Empecé a oír de todo: las ramas de los árboles del jardín, unos pasos arriba, los drusos que se iban de la quinta, el arranque del viejo Issota de Abd-el-Melek: usted sabe, el que se ganó la rifa del aceite Raggio.

Los azweri, manchados y sucios del polvo del camino, iban detrás, en tanto que una pareja de guardias dorados, armados con alabardas ornadas, cogieron a cada uno de los prisioneros del brazo y los condujeron hasta el trono.

The Ibans originally settled on the Kapuas River basin in central Borneo.

The Ibans made up a song about the wingless bird and the doctor who came from the sky.