Hyun-sook, also spelled Hyon-suk, is a Korean feminine given name. Its meaning differs based on the hanja used to write each syllable of the name. There are 35 hanja with the reading " hyun" and 13 hanja with the reading "sook" on the South Korean government's official list of hanja which may be registered for use in given names. Hyun-sook was the sixth-most popular name for newborn girls in South Korea in 1950, falling to eighth place by 1960.
People with this name include:
- Chung Hyun-sook (born 1950s), South Korean table tennis player
- Han Hyun-sook (born 1970), South Korean handball player
- Kim Hyun-sook (born 1978), South Korean actress and comedian
- Ko Hyon-suk (born 1985), North Korean speedskater
- Pak Hyon-suk (born 1985), North Korean weightlifter
- Ri Hyon-suk (born 1989), North Korean volleyball player