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HYS may refer to:

  • Have Your Say, a British television program
  • Hayes railway station (Station code), in London
  • Hays Regional Airport, in Kansas, United States
  • Heep Yunn School, in Hong Kong
  • Hybrid sulfur cycle, a water-splitting process
  • HYS The Hague, an ice hockey team in the Netherlands

Usage examples of "hys".

Gode gyffe us alle grace, to yelde dew thankes to our Lorde Gode, Gode of Inglonde, for verely He hathe shoyd Hym selff Gode of Inglond, or rather an Inglyssh Gode, yf we consydyr and pondyr welle alle Hys procedynges with us from tyme to tyme.

He's a great man, Hys is, but they never found out until it was too late.

He had been afraid to use the radio, and had wanted to tell Hys in person, and to show him the tape.

Even before he contacted the Nyjord fleet he must tell Hys and his rebel army what had happened to Telt and his sand car.

They couldn't be checked against the records now to see how important they might be, but Hys might make another raid on the strength of the suspicion.

He tried to call Hys again, and was relieved to get a response this time.

A little while ago I admitted to Hys too that he was probably right in his original estimation of the correct way to tackle the problem of Dis.

And I know where the cobalt bombs are--in the magter tower that Hys raided last night.

Beyond him, Hys wore his most cynical expression as he considered the frailties of his people.

He hath overcumme alle our yllness with Hys excedynge goodnesse, so that we ar now moor then compelled to serve Hym, seke Hys glory, promott Hys wurde, yf the Devylle of alle Devylles be natt in us.

And I for my partt wylle wyssh that hys Grace allways have, and evyn now from the begynynge, Governares, Instructores and offyceres of ryght jugmente, ne optimum ingenium non optima educatione depravetur.

So, by God Hys mercy, the memorie of tHys foulnesse shall haply be forgotten.