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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ I think it's a little hypocritical to get married in a church when you don't believe in God.
▪ Politicians are so hypocritical - they preach about 'family values' while they all seem to be having affairs.
▪ Several senators said it was hypocritical to ban imported weapons but not U.S.-made ones.
▪ He is telling the church to stick to its principles and not get side tracked or become hypocritical.
▪ Not withstanding the propaganda of many generations of tight-assed hypocritical grown-ups: Hell no.
▪ Richard Russell Ramos does his best as the stereotypically hypocritical bishop.
▪ She mocks the snobbish, hypocritical and materialistic views of many people and their narrow views.
▪ She was to marry this mountebank, this hypocritical toad of a Sir Thomas.
▪ The hypocritical contrast between this elegant exterior and the sordid inner man is presented in a pedestrian and predictable manner.
▪ The other reason was it would have been somewhat incongruous and hypocritical.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Hypocritical \Hyp`o*crit"ic*al\, a. [Gr. ?: cf. F. hypocritique.] Of or pertaining to a hypocrite, or to hypocrisy; as, a hypocriticalperson; a hypocritical look; a hypocritical action.

Hypocritical professions of friendship and of pacific intentions were not spared.
--Macaulay. -- Hyp`o*crit"ic*al*ly, adv.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1540s (implied in hypocritically), from hypocritic, which was used in the same sense, + -al (1). Middle English used simple hypocrite as the adjective (c.1400) as well as the noun.


a. Characterized by hypocrisy or being a hypocrite. (from mid-16th c.)


adj. professing feelings or virtues one does not have; "hypocritical praise"

Usage examples of "hypocritical".

In the movie, an especially hypocritical and corrupt police inspector accomplishes this by doubling as a pimp and a landlord for a eunuch-transvestite brothel on Falkland Road.

A lack of sympathy with certain liturgical expressions, a fear of being hypocritical, of being believed to hold the orthodox position in its entirety, justifies a man in not entering the ministry of the Church, even if he desires on general grounds to do so, but these are paltry motives for cutting oneself off from communion with believers.

In the little corner of society in which Countess Steno, the Gorkas and Lincoln Maitland moved, who was hypocritical and spiteful enough to practise that counsel?

Goosecap, I have got children that are as good men as you, or any hypocritical trembler in England.

For Kraus, prostitution is a natural and unpreventable practice, and attempts to impose legal control are inherently hypocritical.

Wilmont did deign to make an appearance, his impeccable family ties allowed him entree into the tight-knit and somewhat hypocritical world of London society.

There never was a foxier crook born than the same hypocritical Marcus Kilby!

Russians and others who saw its content as a threat to their geopolitical interests and its democratizing language as arrogant, mendacious and hypocritical.

Young Irelanders, and the hypocritical reliance on moral persuasion of Conciliation Hall, the people of Great Britain only gave their ear from curiosity, perfectly regardless of any power which any faction or union of factions might put forth.

The film had a new, liberated attitude towards sex, not the hypocritical titillation of Tinseltown but a gritty, down-to-earth, Lawrentian approach in keeping with the changing times.

The Moors have not yet attained to that state of hypocritical sanctimoniousness in which modern society in civilized lands delights to parade itself.

I should make an exception in favour of a set of forty ignorant, lazy, vicious, idle, hypocritical scoundrels who live bad lives under the cloak of humility, and eat up the houses of the poor simpletons who provide for them, when they ought to be earning their own bread?

Mankind are not perfect, but one age is more or less hypocritical than another, and then simpletons say that its morality is high or low.

I can picture her approaching your pillow with her hypocritical smiles and her sweet exhortations.

Them he branded, as hypocritical materialists, and the country for pride in her sweetmeat plethora of them:--mixed with an ancient Hebrew fear of offence to an inscrutable Lord, eccentrically appeasable through the dreary iteration of the litany of sinfulness.