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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Hypocrisy \Hy*poc"ri*sy\ (h[i^]*p[o^]k"r[i^]*s[y^]), n.; pl. Hypocrisies (-s[i^]z). [OE. hypocrisie, ypocrisie, OF. hypocrisie, ypocrisie, F. hypocrisie, L. hypocrisis, fr. Gr. "ypo`krisis the playing a part on the stage, simulation, outward show, fr. "ypokr`nesqai to answer on the stage, to play a part; "ypo` under + kri`nein to decide; in the middle voice, to dispute, contend. See Hypo-, and Critic.] The act or practice of a hypocrite; a feigning to be what one is not, or to feel what one does not feel; a dissimulation, or a concealment of one's real character, disposition, or motives; especially, the assuming of false appearance of virtue or religion; a simulation of goodness.

Hypocrisy is the necessary burden of villainy.

Hypocrisy is the homage vice pays to virtue.
--La Rochefoucauld (Trans. ).


n. (plural of hypocrisy English)

Usage examples of "hypocrisies".

You’re saturated in the petty bigotries and hypocrisies of a small town dominated by a fanatical minister of religion who instills shame into innocent children.

But subject her to the prejudices, hypocrisies and clannishness of any specific religion, I will not.

Adams's pride in his brilliant son could not have been greater, as he let him know when at times John Quincy grew discouraged with the pettiness and hypocrisies of politics.

But I fail to see why Patrick Driscol should lend himself to the furtherance of the lies and hypocrisies of gentlemen.