n. (context biology English) An organism that lives and thrives in an extremely hot environment, such as a deep sea smoker vent; often a member of the Archaea.
A hyperthermophile is an organism that thrives in extremely hot environments—from 60 °C (140 °F) upwards. An optimal temperature for the existence of hyperthermophiles is above 80 °C (176 °F). Hyperthermophiles are a subset of extremophiles, which are often micro-organisms within the domain Archaea, although some bacteria are able to tolerate temperatures of around 100 °C (212 °F), as well. Some bacteria can live at temperatures higher than 100 °C at large depths in sea where water does not boil because of high pressure. Many hyperthermophiles are also able to withstand other environmental extremes such as high acidity or radiation levels.
Usage examples of "hyperthermophile".
They were hyperthermophiles, so the early Mars of the heavy bombardment suited them just fine.
Yemaya wasn’t the only company interested in harvesting hyperthermophiles from black smokers, and since this particular region of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge lay beyond any of the economic zones claimed by France or Portugal, it was legally a no-man’s-land.
The Paris-based pharmaceutical firm he represented was interested in the same genus of hyperthermophiles Yemaya had earlier discovered at hot vents in the Atlantic and Pacific.
Between fruitless searches for sea serpents and hyperthermophiles, she had given scarce thought to her own husband.