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Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1863, from hyper- + extend. Related: Hyperextended; hyperextending.


vb. (context medicine English) To extend a joint beyond its normal position in a way that stresses the ligaments, often causing injury


v. extend a joint beyond its normal range; "Don't hyperextend your elbow"

Usage examples of "hyperextend".

Dropping her knee onto his hyperextended arm freed her left hand, allowing her to wrestle the knife from his grip.

His senses were so hyperextended that Korkal saw the digital numbers flicker to a halt in slow motion: zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero.

He was shaking, his breathing a tortured, hyperextended wheeze, spittle flying from his mouth, lips stretched in an insane grimace with the strain of the effort.

She definitely did not have the hyperextended back and high rump of a black woman, nor the slender hips and flat fanny of an Asian.

Jo Lynn would shout in the hyperextended voice of Rolonda or Ricki Lake, while Sara doubled over with laughter.

And the three-game series he missed three weeks ago because he hyperextended his knee trying to beat out a grounder at first.

His critique after a show was usually kind and constructive: he was the first to point out that I often stood onstage with my knees hyperextended, which made me look tense and inhibited natural movement.

Roland grunted in pain as his elbow hyperextended and stopped resisting.

Her first minute of freedom was spent slowly and painfully forcing her hyperextended arms back to her sides.

He hyperextended the index fingers of both hands and each of the spetsdods fired once, a polite cough.

Qynh yelped in startled pain and opened her hand, dropping her sword as he hyperextended her wrist.

He ducked beneath one, feeling its puff of spiced air on his face, and found himself staring at the hash of scars and the rigid ropes of hyperextended muscle and joints.

Kyle started shaking violently, his arms and legs hyperextending, drool running down his neck.

She took off her uniform and then made that wonderful motion of hyperextending the elbows around her back to undo her bra.

Of course, hyperextending the neck could easily sever the spinal cord if there were a fracture, or compress it irreversibly.