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a. Of or pertaining to a system having more dimensions than naturally observed in our universe.

Usage examples of "hyperdimensional".

Instead, what happened was there was an encounter with what can only be described as an elf hive, a colony of self-transforming, hyperdimensional machine creatures that came bounding forward with joyful squeaks to dribble themselves like self-transforming jeweled basketballs on the floor in front of me, and I was dumbstruck with amazement.

All the galaxies he knew-including the complex hyperdimensional junctions called transfer points-lay circumscribed within the Avenue.

Hyperdimensional physics depends on the directed acceleration and deceleration of subatomic particles, but they don't seem to have a propagation medium.

According to the Wyeth Codex , the principle is based on hyperdimensional physics, phasing transport subjects from the relativistic here, through a quantum path, to arrive at a relativistic there .