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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Hymenopter \Hy`me*nop"ter\, n. [Cf. F. hym['e]nopt[`e]re.] (Zo["o]l.) One of the Hymenoptera.


n. (context zoology English) One of the Hymenoptera.


n. insects having two pairs of membranous wings and an ovipositor specialized for stinging or piercing [syn: hymenopterous insect, hymenopteran, hymenopteron]

Usage examples of "hymenopter".

What really worried the public-relations man was the Kill-theBees Act, now before Congress, which would make beekeeping illegal and the extermination of hymenoptera a national policy.

You could hardly want to catalogue him with the diptera or hymenoptera?

Most of the insects, in all the foregoing cases, were Diptera, but with many minute Hymenoptera, including some ants, a few small Coleoptera, larvae, spiders, and even small moths.

These consisted chiefly of Diptera, with some Hymenoptera, Homoptera, Coleoptera, and a moth.

It dealt with a very singular fact concerning the manners of one of the hymenoptera, a wasp, a Cerceris, in whose nest Dufour had found small coleoptera of the genus Buprestis, which, under all the appearances of death, retained intact for an incredible time their sumptuous costume, gleaming with gold, copper, and emerald, while the tissues remained perfectly fresh.

In this marvellous study, which constitutes, with the history of the Cerceris, the finest masterpiece of experimental entomology, Fabre brilliantly establishes all the details of that curious law which in the Hymenoptera rules both the distribution and the succession of the sexes.

As he advanced in life, in fact, although he never forgot his rude natal countryside, he felt that new links were daily binding him more closely to those heaths and mountains on which his heart had been so often thrilled with the intense joy of discovery, and that it was indeed in this soil, to him so full of delight, amid its beautiful hymenoptera and scarabaei, that he would wish to be buried.

Callisians somewhat resembled Terran hymenoptera in shape, general coloration, and their ability to deliver a potent sting.

It is presumably no accident that true sociality, with worker sterility, seems to have evolved no fewer than eleven times independently in the Hymenoptera and only once in the whole of the rest of the animal kingdom, namely in the termites.

The Fossorial Hymenoptera are a group of Wasp-like Insects, which burrow in sandy soil to make nests for their young.