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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Hydropathic \Hy`dro*path"ic\, Hydropathical \Hy`dro*path"ic*al\, a. Of or pertaining to hydropathy.


a. 1 Relating to hydropathy 2 (context chemistry English) Relating to hydropathicity


adj. of or relating to hydropathy or its administration; "hydropathic treatments"

Usage examples of "hydropathic".

The most likely place was the Hydropathic, which had famous electric baths and was visited by an odd assortment of humanity.

He wanted to find out who was living in the Hydropathic, and he did not want to trouble the higher functionaries.

The Hydropathic omnibuses began to roll up and discharge new guests, and they were followed by several taxi-cabs and one ancient four-wheeler.

He bent his head deferentially to listen, and over the back of it Jaikie saw the strong profile and the heavy jaw of the man whom a few hours before he had observed with Allins at the Hydropathic door.

Castle Gay: he is at the Hydropathic here under an assumed name, passing as a foreigner: and he is spending his time with the very foreigners who are giving you trouble.

I can tell you the Republicans at the Hydropathic are not innocents, such as you describe the people at Knockraw.

Then he proceeded to the Hydropathic, where he had a few words with the head-porter.

When he came to the party of foreigners at the Hydropathic he could only describe them according to the account of the head-porter, for he had not yet seen them.

The hour was half-past two, and he argued that a gentleman who had lunched droughtily in the Hydropathic might be inclined for a mild stimulant.

The sight of the luggage going to the Castle will have helped my reputation for speaking the truth, when the story gets to the Hydropathic this morning.

Wilkie, the mechanic at the Hydropathic, was his chief instrument, and he was also his intelligence officer.

In order to become a radically healthy human being, I went two years ago to a Hydropathic Establishment, prepared to give up Art and everything if I could once more become a child of Nature.

The poor for whom a hydropathic course is recommended, can have it under the regulations made by the committee--that is to say, if there is a vacant place.

I went off quite peaceably with Grimpus and the sister, and presently we came to a house like a small hydropathic, hideously ugly but beautifully placed, with a view south to the Aller valley.

Before we know it we become demoralized, and shrink from the tonic of the sudden change to sharp weather, as the steamed hydropathic patient does from the plunge.