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a. Of or pertaining to hyaluronic acid or its derivatives


Usage examples of "hyaluronic".

They found that within three to five days of the estriol administration, the mice had levels of hyaluronic acid in their skin that were about three times higher than normal.

Ordinarily, such an increase in hyaluronic acid might be seen in a positive light, since the body uses this naturally produced substance for keeping skin soft and flexible.

The Japanese researchers wondered whether it was actually the hyaluronic acid that was helping the cancer cells grow.

To test this hypothesis, they injected the same cancer cells into another group of mice, but instead of giving these mice estriol, they gave them hyaluronic acid.

Their conclusion: it was the excess hyaluronic acid, not the estriol, that was promoting the cancer.

Is it possible, though, that excess estriol might promote lymphona indirectly by increasing hyaluronic acid?

No, because lymph glands are not found in the skin, where hyaluronic acid is typically located.

Thus, whether they were normal or cancerous, they would never be exposed to high levels of hyaluronic acid.