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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Hyacinthine \Hy`a*cin"thine\, a. [L. hyacinthinus, Gr. ?.] Belonging to the hyacinth; resembling the hyacinth; in color like the hyacinth.

His curling locks like hyacinthine flowers.

The hyacinthine boy, for whom Morn well might break and April bloom.


a. Of the colour of a hyacinth.

Usage examples of "hyacinthine".

His dark brown hair, in those hyacinthine curls which Grecian poets have celebrated, and which Grecian sculptors have immortalised, clustered over his brow, which, however, they only partially concealed.

Lean, pallid students have found themselves plump and blooming, and it has happened that one whose hair was straight as gnat of an Indian has been startled to behold himself in his mirror with a fringe of hyacinthine curls about his rejuvenated countenance.

Jac Halevy-Cohen strolled along the beach, spheres of hyacinthine light dancing around his ankles.

When I read the Washington correspondence I am proud of my country, to see how many Apollo Belvederes, Adonises, how much marble brow and piercing eye and hyacinthine locks, we have in the two houses of Congress.

To the left walks Edwin, with hyacinthine locks, and a thoroughly classical type of face, and Grecian nose.

The young man is EDWIN DROOD, of the Grecian nose, hyacinthine locks, and classic features, as in Sir L.

Above the cleft, the fell-top hung like a curtain against the hyacinthine storm-roil.

The hyacinthine torrent of his hair fell loose around them both, an enfolding curtain.

Here Alma Tadema would have depicted a Sappho with hyacinthine locks, seated at the foot of the marble Hermes, singing to a seven-stringed lyre and surrounded by a chorus of maidens with locks of flame, all pallid and intent, drinking in the pure harmony of the verses.

Her hair clung to her temples in heavy hyacinthine curls tinged with violet.

Beneath its hyacinthine curls it beamed on him with a fixed benevolent smile.

Bids to the front in radiant defile A trooping host whose pomps incarnadine The faded trophies of the dying day, And, lest I fail before so brave array, She decks the quiet clouds where fancies dwell With sweet translucent gleam and melting hue To woo my swooning sense with softer spell Of blissful pink and hyacinthine blue.

The other Hyacinthines, Quintine and Quatrine and Sistine, gave him some charity for a while, but he just spent it again to buy false memories.

I'd never dreamed you could make a guitar sound like a Hyacinthine Macaw.