Huzurpaga is the oldest girls' high school in Maharashtra, India. The school was established by the Maharashtra Girls Education Society in 1885. The school's founders included noted social reformer Justice Ranade and historian Dr. R. G. Bhandarkar. The school is officially called HHCP Girls High School in honor of a benefactor, the Maharaja, His Highness Chintamanrao Patwardhan of Sangli. The school is located in the main commercial area of Laxmi Road in Pune. The school location was historically used as horse stables for the Maratha Cavalry during the days of Peshwa rule. At present, the school offers instruction from grades 5 to 10 to nearly 2,400 girls. The school's medium of instruction is mainly Marathi with some students being offered the chance to learn science and maths through the English language. The latter option is called semi-English curriculum. In the S.S.C. exams conducted by Maharashtra government for 10th grade students, the school consistently achieves a pass rate in the high 90s percentage. The school also offers a boarding option for out-of-town students.