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n. (plural of hutment English)

Usage examples of "hutments".

There was a laneway, then a cleared field of sorts, scrap-built hutments for odds and ends, blocks of stone and rubble.

Even with helmets and sticks, the MPs usually stayed clear of the hutments on Saturday night.

The Maginot-effect of the guard posts faded and the normal hutments and sentry posts appeared as before.

The crews were pouring out of hutments, racing through the rain of metal to their tanks and carriers, and falling, their bodies jerking in the grotesque dance of human flesh caught in automatic-weapons fire.

The flames had died down, but smoke drifted over the deserted hutments and across the parade ground where the dead men lay.

I guessed, correctly, that there would always be a need for carpenters, and I was sent to work in a nearby lumber mill where the local pines were sawed up and made into pre-fabricated hutments for the troops.