a. (context informal often childish English) That hurts.
Usage examples of "hurty".
Peckhams had come by cab, so I drove them to the Hurty estate in my old two-door sedan, for which I apologized, and, to judge from their expression, rightly so.
Peckhams did, while I waited, fidgeting in the living room, and Hurty locked himself in his study.
At five, Hurty came out of his study, found them still there, covered his surprise admirably, and mixed us all cocktails.
At eight, the Peckhams, having eddied about Hurty and his meal on their way to one place or another, announced that they were leaving.
I was closing my office on the afternoon of the fourth day, Hurty called me.
And Phoebe Hurty was able to believe that the impoliteness she recommended would give shape to an American paradise.
It is this: The grand Father's bein' all hauly-mauly by the likes of us over bump and bumbust and all raggletailed and his poor bumleg all hurty and his grand aura all tarnagled and June bein' a bad month for new enterprises and a bad month for old enterprises accordin' to the starcharts and like that, we that is to say us the men have a faint intustition that maybe the best is not to come in terms of the grand Father the moon-hanger the eye-in-the-sky the old meister the bey window the bit chammer the gaekwarder the incaling the khando kid the neatzam the shotgun of kyotowing the principal stadtholder the voivode the top wali, this Being, I say, being a Being of the highest anthropocentrictrac interest, as well as the one who keeps the corn popping from the fine green fields and the like and the like, is maybe being abruised and lese-majestied by us poor galoots over many meters of hard cheese days in and out but even a galoot has a brain to wonder with and what we wonder is to what end?