n. A large knife designed for use in hunting animals, usually with a smooth front edge and a back edge that is partially serrated for sawing.
n. a large sharp knife with a handle shaped to fit the grip
A hunting knife is a knife used during hunting for preparing the game to be used as food: skinning the animal and cutting up the meat. It is different from the Hunting dagger which was traditionally used to kill wild game.
Some hunting knives are adapted for other uses in the wild; such as a Camp knife, which hunters may use as machetes or hatchets when those specific tools are not available. In this case, their function is similar to a survival knife.
Usage examples of "hunting knife".
He found them much more dangerous antagonists than the black bear when assailed with the hunting knife, a weapon of which he was very fond.
The only blade he ever used was the hunting knife he had from Jon Arryn, when he was a boy.
Trey asked, removing his hunting knife from its sheath for the sole purpose of digging little holes in the rotted bark of the tree.
Add to that a staff here, a hunting knife there, and it was nothing short of a miracle that the guards didn't stop them.
He picked up the tiny bow and snapped it in his hands and threw the pieces aside, then with his hunting knife he cut the leather thong around the Bushman's forehead and one at a time broke the poisoned arrow beads from their shafts, and handling them with extreme care threw them as far from him as he could.
He had made his weapons, the long bow now lying beside him, the short stabbing sword, the hunting knife—.
Bow and quiver must be left behind, leaving him only sword and hunting knife.
Flick felt the hunting cloak ripped from his body as he was kicked and buffeted by unseen hands and feet, and in maddened terror he fought back, slashing wildly with the hunting knife at anything that came within reach.
Without the long hunting knife and the throwing-blade strapped to her left wrist she could have made better time.