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Usage examples of "humpty".

Bob Humpty is running such a positive campaign, or we would tell you some pretty shocking things about Bill Dumpty and animal cruelty.

According to some, he was a failed Toy City TV stuntman called Terry Horsey, who reinvented himself by taking on the exotic, foreign-sounding name of Humpty Dumpty and performing a real-life stunt, without the aid of a crash mat.

Humpty Dumpty, but no wall involved: one Humpty fell from the side of a grassy knoll and another from the window of a book depository.

Toy City TV chat show hosted by the ever-youthful Miss Muffet, on which Humpty spoke at length about his weight problem.

I am to collect them from the penthouse apartment of the late Humpty Dumpty.

But that would have taken time and Humpty would have climbed out when the water got too hot.

He wanted to know why Bellis had not yet tracked down the murderer of Humpty Dumpty.

Although the Toy City press were selling the populace the story that Humpty had committed suicide, the police knew that it was Murder Most Foul, and questions were being asked in very high places as to why Bellis had not yet tracked down the murderer.

And then Jack recalled that it was actually he, Jack, who had solved the riddle of how Humpty met his grisly end.

Dumpty gave a little scream of terror, but Humpty caught her by the hand, so that she could not run away.

Dumpty longed to stop and talk to a dear little piebald pony, but Humpty carried her on till they came to the caravans.

But as you can tell by how sneaky he looks in this photograph, and by the skepticism in my professional announcer voice, Bob Humpty is not telling the truth.

The facts are that in 1997, Bob Humpty voted to allow special interests in the nursing-home industry to increase their profits by feeding senior citizens a diet consisting exclusively of hamster-cage waste.

Bob Humpty lying in a hospital bed, his eyes closed, as his dog licks him sadly.

But the truth is that Bob Humpty is running the most negative campaign in history, according to these actual newspaper headlines.