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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Humph \Humph\, interj. [Of imitative origin.] An exclamation denoting surprise, or contempt, doubt, etc.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

as a grunting sound of disdain, etc., from 1815.


interj. Used to express doubt or disapproval vb. (context intransitive English) To utter "humph!" in doubt or disapproval.

Usage examples of "humph".

Stifling a humph, he drew her a fraction closer--and set his mind to enjoying the rest of the waltz.

With a frustrated humph, Patience picked up her skirts and darted down the steps.

Hershal showed up just then and, taking one long look at Kelsey, humphed and headed back into the recesses of the house, leaving Kelsey to meekly follow or not.

He took the drum, examining it minutely, humphing to himself, his face making a variety of contortions that gave her no real idea of his opinion of her handiwork.

Morn grabs the black coat from me, humphs out of the room, and comes back with a ratty terry-cloth bathrobe, which she flings at me.

Her grunts, snorts, humphs, ohs, and ahs did service for whatever she might be feeling.